
Complementary services  

Our complementary services are designed to help organizations improve their energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in two key areas:

  • Sustainability assessments
  • Building efficiency enhancements
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Reduce carbon emissions and beat spiralling energy costs with our cutting-edge retro-fit solutions

Energy Efficiency Services

Dealing with the ever-increasing impacts of climate change and higher energy costs is becoming a huge consideration for businesses owners. The cost of running heating and cooling systems often equates to the highest business overhead. Organizations, businesses and enterprises can improve the efficiency of these systems through using new, retrofit technologies. We have partnered with an expert in this field and the results will kick-start your savings.

Electricity Voltage Optimization

Optimize the electricity that is channelled around your building with a mechanism that re-calibrates the flow levels of electricity that run through the building. This levelling out helps to make the flow more efficient and will save energy usage.

Both these technologies will transform your energy savings and result in carbon emissions reductions that will enhance your reputation and help mitigate climate change.


Sustainable transportation

Assessment services 

Before you commit to an extensive sustainability accreditation, why not start with our professional onsite assessment which will provide a current picture of how green you are, and provide you with a base to work from.

The detailed report we provide is measured against recognized global ESG standards and will include a bespoke improvement action plan.

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Professional sustainability assessment

book a consultant to attend your property to provide a report on your current level of sustainability. We produce a report and an action plan help you progress your sustainable practices to help meet your objectives.


If you would like to know how your hotel or business might perform against recognised Environmental, Social, Governance standards try our FREE self-assessment survey.

A useful tool to help kick start your journey towards sustainable operations

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Professional sustainability assessment

During a thorough onsite visit one of Go Green Sustainability’s professional consultants will take an in depth look at the business operations and provide some immediate recommendations and feedback.

Following on from the visit the detailed assessment report that we provide will highlight further sustainability initiatives and include a bespoke improvement action plan.

Our action plan incorporates an extensive range of categories based around the 3 sustainability pillars PEOPLE • PLANET • PROSPERITY including but not limited to those listed here.

Prices start from £1500

  • Environmental impacts
    • Measuring energy utilities
    • Sourcing eco-friendly products & services
    • Carbon emissions measuring & reduction strategy
    • Conserving nature/wildlife
    • Reduce carbon use public transport
  • Social impacts
    • Community development
    • Stakeholders support
    • Health & Safety
    • Local employment
    • Diversity/Equality/Inclusivity
  • Management impacts
    • Waste management
    • Ethical Practices
    • Purchasing policy
    • Building maintenance
    • Marketing/communication

Download our FREE self-assessment form and find out how green your operations currently are.  

Get in touch we are your sustainability partner